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Class of 59 Members:

Note that over 500 classmates are listed which not only includes those who were on the commencement list, but also many who attended during the three high school years and may have left before graduation or began in the Junior or Senior years. The list includes many who attended for much of the time and mainly identify with those in the class of 59.

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Find Classmates by State:

Select state from map below to see classmates living there. The total count for each state is in the table below. Note that there are some that have more than one residence i.e. summer/winter - also some are outside the USA.


Texas Florida Georgia alaska Oregon Hawaii Washington Arizona Montana Washington DC California Maryland Delaware New Jersey Connecticut Vermont New Hampshire Rhode Island Massachusetts New York Utah Nevada Kansas Colorado Tennessee South Dakota Kentucky New Mexico North Dakota Wisconsin Oklahoma Louisiana Arkansas South Carolina Alabama Illinois North Carolina Michigan Virginia Ohio Pennsylvania Minnesota Wyoming Maine West Virginia indiana Mississippi Missouri Idaho Nebraska Iowa  

Alabama - 1 Indiana - 3 Nebraska - 0 South Carolina - 4
Alaska - 1 Iowa - 4 Nevada - 2 South Dakota - 0
Arizona - 14 Kansas - 3 New Hampshire - 1 Tennessee - 2
Arkansas - 2 Kentucky - 0 New Jersey - 0 Texas - 6
California - 15 Louisiana - 0 New Mexico - 0 Utah - 0
Colorado - 9 Maine - 0 New York - 1 Vermont - 1
Connecticut - 1 Maryland - 1 North Carolina - 3 Virginia - 5
Delaware - 0 Massachusetts - 3 North Dakota - 0 Washington - 3
Florida - 15 Michigan - 0 Ohio - 3 West Virginia - 0
Georgia - 5 Minnesota - 5 Oklahoma - 1 Wisconsin - 14
Hawaii - 0 Mississippi - 0 Oregon - 2 Wyoming 0
Idaho - 0 Missouri - 5 Pennsylvania - 4 Outside USA - 4
Illinois - 140 Montana - 1 Rhode Island - 0  




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